Does your team need a requirements intervention?

Jacob Orshalick

Top signs your software team doesn’t understand the business needs.

1️⃣ Conversations about requirements revolve around “tech speak” instead of the business domain.

When a requirements conversation begins, developers immediately start talking about things like tables, schemas, services, JSON, etc. Instead of using the conversation to really understand the problem domain, they immediately jump into technical solutions.

2️⃣ You need a business analyst or PO to “translate” the requirements for developers.

We can’t let our developers talk to the stakeholders because they speak a different language. The stakeholders complain that every conversation with developers is “over their head.”

3️⃣ Completed features are often very different from what the stakeholders requested.

The stakeholders had their understanding. The product owner had his understanding. The developers had their understanding. QA had their understanding. Requirements have become a game of telephone.

4️⃣ Developers spend excessive time on technical details instead of solving real business problems.

Your developers are distracted. They’re constantly building services…. That a single frontend calls. They put all requests on a queue…. Even though all requests are synchronous. The tech isn’t being driven by business needs, but by developer’s wanting to “architect”.

💡 If you see these signs on your team, it’s time for an intervention.

We can help.

We get teams back on track.

Helping them focus on actual business needs.

Speaking the language of the business.

Contact us for a consultation.